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ERDDAP > info > CE02SHSM-SBD12-08-FDCHPA000-fdchp_a_dcl_instrument_recovered-recovered_host-deployment0001

Title Sum-
Institution Dataset ID
     data   graph     Data produced by Stream Engine version 1.20.1 for CE02SHSM-SBD12-08-FDCHPA000-recovered_host-
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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL AssetManagementRecordLastModified String 2022-09-02T13:10:20.732000
attribute NC_GLOBAL AssetUniqueID String CGINS-FDCHPA-00012
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL collection_method String recovered_host
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, NCCSV-1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2022-09-13T05:20:09.340Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2022-09-13T05:20:09.340Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String speed_of_sound_min,pitch,pitch_min,u_corr_std,z_accel_std,wind_v_max,y_ang_rate_avg,w_corr_std,x_ang_rate_std,wind_speed,y_ang_rate_min,wind_u_avg,y_ang_rate_max,y_ang_rate_std,v_corr_std,heading_std,buoyance_flux,wind_u_std,pitch_max,status_datacollection,wind_u_max,heading,roll_min,heading_max,x_accel,pitch_std,eng_wave_motion,speed_of_sound_std,wind_v_min,heading_min,speed_of_sound_max,wind_w_std,wind_w_avg,z_ang_rate_min,x_ang_rate_min,x_ang_rate_avg,z_ang_rate_max,wind_v_avg,x_accel_min,time_datacollection,roll_std,z_ang_rate_avg,x_accel_std,x_accel_max,x_ang_rate_max,v_corr,wind_v_std,z_ang_rate_std,vw_momentum_flux,uw_momentum_flux,wind_u_min,z_accel_max,u_corr,z_accel,y_accel_max,v_num_datacollection,z_accel_min,speed_of_sound_avg,roll,y_accel,wind_w_max,w_corr,y_accel_std,y_accel_min,roll_max,time,wind_w_min&time>=max(time)-1days
attribute NC_GLOBAL Description String Direct Covariance Flux: FDCHP Series A
attribute NC_GLOBAL feature_Type String point
attribute NC_GLOBAL FirmwareVersion String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String meters
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2022-09-13T05:20:09.340033 generated from Stream Engine
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String CE02SHSM-SBD12-08-FDCHPA000-recovered_host-fdchp_a_dcl_instrument_recovered
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL lat double 44.63833
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL lon double -124.30388
attribute NC_GLOBAL Manufacturer String WHOI
attribute NC_GLOBAL Metadata_Conventions String Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Mobile String False
attribute NC_GLOBAL ModelNumber String DCFS
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String org.oceanobservatories
attribute NC_GLOBAL nodc_template_version String NODC_NetCDF_TimeSeries_Orthogonal_Template_v1.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL node String SBD12
attribute NC_GLOBAL Notes String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Owner String Oregon State University
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String L2
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String More information can be found at http://oceanobservatories.org/
attribute NC_GLOBAL RemoteResources String []
attribute NC_GLOBAL requestUUID String 35183878-00a7-4bf4-a3ec-0bf0abbb1cfd
attribute NC_GLOBAL sensor String 08-FDCHPA000
attribute NC_GLOBAL SerialNumber String 12
attribute NC_GLOBAL ShelfLifeExpirationDate String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL SoftwareVersion String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String CE02SHSM-SBD12-08-FDCHPA000-recovered_host-fdchp_a_dcl_instrument_recovered
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 29
attribute NC_GLOBAL stream String fdchp_a_dcl_instrument_recovered
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsite String CE02SHSM
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Dataset Generated by Stream Engine from Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2015-04-11T15:19:30Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String P7200.00S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2015-04-02T21:20:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Data produced by Stream Engine version 1.20.1 for CE02SHSM-SBD12-08-FDCHPA000-recovered_host-fdchp_a_dcl_instrument_recovered
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String 35183878-00a7-4bf4-a3ec-0bf0abbb1cfd
variable obs   int  
attribute obs _ChunkSizes int 1024
attribute obs actual_range int 0, 104
attribute obs ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_w_max_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_max_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable speed_of_sound_min   float  
attribute speed_of_sound_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute speed_of_sound_min actual_range float 0.0, 290.3
attribute speed_of_sound_min comment String Minimum of Speed of Sound
attribute speed_of_sound_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute speed_of_sound_min long_name String Speed of Sound - Minimum
attribute speed_of_sound_min precision int 4
attribute speed_of_sound_min units String m s-1
variable pitch   float  
attribute pitch _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute pitch _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute pitch actual_range float -0.11, -0.05
attribute pitch comment String The rotated angle about the pitch-axis relative to the horizontal plane. Rotation follows the right hand rule designation; i.e. with the r.h. thumb pointing in the rotation axis direction, positive rotation is in the direction of the curled fingers.
attribute pitch coordinates String time lat lon
attribute pitch ioos_category String Unknown
attribute pitch long_name String Instrument Pitch
attribute pitch precision int 1
attribute pitch standard_name String platform_pitch_angle
attribute pitch units String degrees
variable wind_w_avg_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable pitch_min   float  
attribute pitch_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute pitch_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute pitch_min actual_range float -0.64, -0.16
attribute pitch_min comment String Minimum Pitch
attribute pitch_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute pitch_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute pitch_min long_name String Pitch - Minimum
attribute pitch_min precision int 4
attribute pitch_min units String rad
variable u_corr_std   float  
attribute u_corr_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute u_corr_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute u_corr_std actual_range float -25.42, 12.71
attribute u_corr_std comment String Standard deviation of along-wind component
attribute u_corr_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute u_corr_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_corr_std long_name String Along-Wind Component - Standard Deviation
attribute u_corr_std precision int 4
attribute u_corr_std units String m s-1
variable wind_v_min_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_min_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable z_accel_std   float  
attribute z_accel_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_accel_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_accel_std actual_range float 0.34, 1.53
attribute z_accel_std comment String Standard deviation of Z Acceleration
attribute z_accel_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_accel_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_accel_std long_name String Acceleration Z-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute z_accel_std precision int 4
attribute z_accel_std units String m s-2
variable wind_v_max   float  
attribute wind_v_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_v_max actual_range float -1.06, 327.67
attribute wind_v_max comment String Maximum of WindV
attribute wind_v_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_v_max long_name String Wind Speed Y-Axis - Maximum
attribute wind_v_max precision int 4
attribute wind_v_max units String m s-1
variable y_ang_rate_avg   float  
attribute y_ang_rate_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_ang_rate_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_ang_rate_avg actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute y_ang_rate_avg comment String Average observed angular rate along the instrument y-axis
attribute y_ang_rate_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_ang_rate_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_ang_rate_avg long_name String Angular Rate Y-Axis - Average
attribute y_ang_rate_avg precision int 4
attribute y_ang_rate_avg units String rad s-1
variable w_corr_qc_executed   int  
attribute w_corr_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute w_corr_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute w_corr_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute w_corr_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute w_corr_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute w_corr_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable w_corr_std   float  
attribute w_corr_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute w_corr_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute w_corr_std actual_range float -42.16, 1.42
attribute w_corr_std comment String Standard deviation of vertical wind component
attribute w_corr_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute w_corr_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute w_corr_std long_name String Vertical Wind Component - Standard Deviation
attribute w_corr_std precision int 4
attribute w_corr_std units String m s-1
variable x_ang_rate_std   float  
attribute x_ang_rate_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_ang_rate_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_ang_rate_std actual_range float 0.05, 0.25
attribute x_ang_rate_std comment String Standard deviation of X angular rate
attribute x_ang_rate_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_ang_rate_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_ang_rate_std long_name String Angular Rate X-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute x_ang_rate_std precision int 4
attribute x_ang_rate_std units String rad s-1
variable wind_speed   float  
attribute wind_speed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_speed _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_speed actual_range float 0.05, 50.5
attribute wind_speed comment String Motion-corrected wind speed relative to ground
attribute wind_speed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_speed ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_speed long_name String Motion-Corrected Wind Speed
attribute wind_speed precision int 4
attribute wind_speed units String m s-1
variable speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results actual_range int 0, 0
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable y_ang_rate_min   float  
attribute y_ang_rate_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_ang_rate_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_ang_rate_min actual_range float -0.97, -0.21
attribute y_ang_rate_min comment String Minimum Y angular rate
attribute y_ang_rate_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_ang_rate_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_ang_rate_min long_name String Angular Rate Y-Axis - Minimum
attribute y_ang_rate_min precision int 4
attribute y_ang_rate_min units String rad s-1
variable wind_u_avg   float  
attribute wind_u_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_u_avg actual_range float -12.08, 4.95
attribute wind_u_avg comment String Average wind speed component along instrument x-axis
attribute wind_u_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_u_avg long_name String Wind Speed X-Axis - Average
attribute wind_u_avg precision int 4
attribute wind_u_avg units String m s-1
variable y_ang_rate_max   float  
attribute y_ang_rate_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_ang_rate_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_ang_rate_max actual_range float 0.2, 0.77
attribute y_ang_rate_max comment String Maximum Y angular rate
attribute y_ang_rate_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_ang_rate_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_ang_rate_max long_name String Angular Rate Y-Axis - Maximum
attribute y_ang_rate_max precision int 4
attribute y_ang_rate_max units String rad s-1
variable y_ang_rate_std   float  
attribute y_ang_rate_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_ang_rate_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_ang_rate_std actual_range float 0.06, 0.28
attribute y_ang_rate_std comment String Standard deviation of Y angular rate
attribute y_ang_rate_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_ang_rate_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_ang_rate_std long_name String Angular Rate Y-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute y_ang_rate_std precision int 4
attribute y_ang_rate_std units String rad s-1
variable port_timestamp   double  
attribute port_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute port_timestamp actual_range double 1.4280096E9, 1.42876557E9
attribute port_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute port_timestamp comment String Port timestamp, UTC
attribute port_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute port_timestamp long_name String Port Timestamp, UTC
attribute port_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute port_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable v_corr_std   float  
attribute v_corr_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute v_corr_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute v_corr_std actual_range float -4.85, 11.26
attribute v_corr_std comment String Standard deviation of cross-wind component
attribute v_corr_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute v_corr_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute v_corr_std long_name String Cross-Wind Component - Standard Deviation
attribute v_corr_std precision int 4
attribute v_corr_std units String m s-1
variable heading_std   float  
attribute heading_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute heading_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute heading_std actual_range float 0.08, 5.09
attribute heading_std comment String Standard deviation of Heading
attribute heading_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute heading_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute heading_std long_name String Heading - Standard Deviation
attribute heading_std precision int 4
attribute heading_std units String rad
variable buoyance_flux   float  
attribute buoyance_flux _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute buoyance_flux _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute buoyance_flux actual_range float -18.81, 1062.47
attribute buoyance_flux comment String Buoyancy Flux
attribute buoyance_flux coordinates String time lat lon
attribute buoyance_flux data_product_identifier String FLUXHOT_L2
attribute buoyance_flux ioos_category String Unknown
attribute buoyance_flux long_name String Direct Covariance Flux of Heat
attribute buoyance_flux precision int 4
attribute buoyance_flux units String m s-1 K
variable wind_u_std   float  
attribute wind_u_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_u_std actual_range float 0.47, 47.05
attribute wind_u_std comment String Standard deviation of WindU
attribute wind_u_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_u_std long_name String Wind Speed X-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute wind_u_std precision int 4
attribute wind_u_std units String m s-1
variable deployment   int  
attribute deployment _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute deployment actual_range int 1, 1
attribute deployment ioos_category String Unknown
attribute deployment name String deployment
variable pitch_max   float  
attribute pitch_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute pitch_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute pitch_max actual_range float 0.04, 0.36
attribute pitch_max comment String Maximum Pitch
attribute pitch_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute pitch_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute pitch_max long_name String Pitch - Maximum
attribute pitch_max precision int 4
attribute pitch_max units String rad
variable w_corr_qc_results   int  
attribute w_corr_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute w_corr_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute w_corr_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute w_corr_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute w_corr_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute w_corr_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable status_datacollection   String  
attribute status_datacollection _ChunkSizes int 105, 5
attribute status_datacollection comment String 6 Character Hex Status Value (WRAOCF)
attribute status_datacollection coordinates String time lat lon
attribute status_datacollection ioos_category String Unknown
attribute status_datacollection long_name String Status (WRAOCF)
attribute status_datacollection units String 1
variable preferred_timestamp   String  
attribute preferred_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105, 14
attribute preferred_timestamp comment String Timestamp preferred as official record.
attribute preferred_timestamp ioos_category String Unknown
attribute preferred_timestamp long_name String Preferred Timestamp
variable u_corr_qc_results   int  
attribute u_corr_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute u_corr_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute u_corr_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute u_corr_qc_results actual_range int 1, 1
attribute u_corr_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute u_corr_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable v_corr_qc_results   int  
attribute v_corr_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute v_corr_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute v_corr_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute v_corr_qc_results actual_range int 1, 1
attribute v_corr_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute v_corr_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_u_max_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_max_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_u_max   float  
attribute wind_u_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_u_max actual_range float -2.76, 327.67
attribute wind_u_max comment String Maximum of WindU
attribute wind_u_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_u_max long_name String Wind Speed X-Axis - Maximum
attribute wind_u_max precision int 4
attribute wind_u_max units String m s-1
variable heading   float  
attribute heading _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute heading _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute heading actual_range float 0.04, 6.23
attribute heading coordinates String time lat lon
attribute heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute heading long_name String Instrument Heading
attribute heading precision int 1
attribute heading units String degrees
variable wind_v_min_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_min_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable roll_min   float  
attribute roll_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute roll_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute roll_min actual_range float -0.47, -0.07
attribute roll_min comment String Minimum Roll
attribute roll_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute roll_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute roll_min long_name String Roll - Minimum
attribute roll_min precision int 4
attribute roll_min units String rad
variable speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_avg_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable driver_timestamp   double  
attribute driver_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute driver_timestamp actual_range double 1.6252617E9, 1.6252617E9
attribute driver_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute driver_timestamp comment String Driver timestamp, UTC
attribute driver_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute driver_timestamp long_name String Driver Timestamp, UTC
attribute driver_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute driver_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable heading_max   float  
attribute heading_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute heading_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute heading_max actual_range float -2.05, 3.14
attribute heading_max comment String Maximum Heading
attribute heading_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute heading_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute heading_max long_name String Heading - Maximum
attribute heading_max precision int 4
attribute heading_max units String rad
variable wind_u_avg_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable x_accel   float  
attribute x_accel _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_accel _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_accel actual_range float 0.4, 0.91
attribute x_accel comment String Average observed acceleration along the instrument x axis
attribute x_accel coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_accel ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_accel long_name String Acceleration X-Axis - Average
attribute x_accel precision int 4
attribute x_accel units String m s-2
variable pitch_std   float  
attribute pitch_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute pitch_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute pitch_std actual_range float 0.03, 0.16
attribute pitch_std comment String Standard deviation of Pitch
attribute pitch_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute pitch_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute pitch_std long_name String Pitch - Standard Deviation
attribute pitch_std precision int 4
attribute pitch_std units String rad
variable speed_of_sound_min_qc_results   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results actual_range int 0, 0
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable instrument_start_timestamp   String  
attribute instrument_start_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105, 5
attribute instrument_start_timestamp comment String DCL Timestamp for instrument powered on.
attribute instrument_start_timestamp ioos_category String Unknown
attribute instrument_start_timestamp long_name String Instrument Power on Timestamp, YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.SSS
attribute instrument_start_timestamp units String 1
variable speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_u_min_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_min_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable eng_wave_motion   float  
attribute eng_wave_motion _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute eng_wave_motion _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute eng_wave_motion actual_range float 0.89, 3.81
attribute eng_wave_motion comment String Engineering value to approximate significant wave height
attribute eng_wave_motion coordinates String time lat lon
attribute eng_wave_motion ioos_category String Unknown
attribute eng_wave_motion long_name String Approximate Significant Wave Height
attribute eng_wave_motion precision int 4
attribute eng_wave_motion units String 1
variable speed_of_sound_std   float  
attribute speed_of_sound_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute speed_of_sound_std actual_range float 0.03, 170.58
attribute speed_of_sound_std comment String Standard deviation of Speed of Sound
attribute speed_of_sound_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute speed_of_sound_std long_name String Speed of Sound - Standard Deviation
attribute speed_of_sound_std precision int 4
attribute speed_of_sound_std units String m s-1
variable wind_v_min   float  
attribute wind_v_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_v_min actual_range float -326.35, -1.83
attribute wind_v_min comment String Minimum of WindV
attribute wind_v_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_v_min long_name String Wind Speed Y-Axis - Mimimum
attribute wind_v_min precision int 4
attribute wind_v_min units String m s-1
variable heading_min   float  
attribute heading_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute heading_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute heading_min actual_range float -3.14, 1.66
attribute heading_min comment String Minimum Heading
attribute heading_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute heading_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute heading_min long_name String Heading - Minimum
attribute heading_min precision int 4
attribute heading_min units String rad
variable speed_of_sound_max   float  
attribute speed_of_sound_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute speed_of_sound_max actual_range float 286.21, 1065.72
attribute speed_of_sound_max comment String Maximum of Speed of Sound
attribute speed_of_sound_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute speed_of_sound_max long_name String Speed of Sound - Maximum
attribute speed_of_sound_max precision int 4
attribute speed_of_sound_max units String m s-1
variable wind_v_max_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_max_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_w_std   float  
attribute wind_w_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_w_std actual_range float 0.15, 118.97
attribute wind_w_std comment String Standard deviation of WindW
attribute wind_w_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_w_std long_name String Wind Speed Z-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute wind_w_std precision int 4
attribute wind_w_std units String m s-1
variable wind_w_avg   float  
attribute wind_w_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_w_avg actual_range float -40.47, 2.36
attribute wind_w_avg comment String Average wind speed component along instrument z-axis
attribute wind_w_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_w_avg long_name String Wind Speed Z-Axis - Average
attribute wind_w_avg precision int 4
attribute wind_w_avg units String m s-1
variable wind_speed_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_speed_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_speed_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_speed_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_speed_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_speed_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_speed_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_w_min_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_min_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable z_ang_rate_min   float  
attribute z_ang_rate_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_ang_rate_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_ang_rate_min actual_range float -0.34, -0.05
attribute z_ang_rate_min comment String Minimum Z angular rate
attribute z_ang_rate_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_ang_rate_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_ang_rate_min long_name String Angular Rate Z-Axis - Minimum
attribute z_ang_rate_min precision int 4
attribute z_ang_rate_min units String rad s-1
variable dcl_controller_timestamp   String  
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105, 5
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp comment String Timestamp from the DCL controller
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp ioos_category String Unknown
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp long_name String DCL Controller Timestamp
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp precision int 0
variable wind_v_max_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_max_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_u_max_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_max_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_v_avg_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable wind_w_avg_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_avg_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable v_corr_qc_executed   int  
attribute v_corr_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute v_corr_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute v_corr_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute v_corr_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute v_corr_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute v_corr_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable x_ang_rate_min   float  
attribute x_ang_rate_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_ang_rate_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_ang_rate_min actual_range float -0.8, -0.17
attribute x_ang_rate_min comment String Minimum X angular rate
attribute x_ang_rate_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_ang_rate_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_ang_rate_min long_name String Angular Rate X-Axis - Minimum
attribute x_ang_rate_min precision int 4
attribute x_ang_rate_min units String rad s-1
variable wind_w_max_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_max_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable provenance   String  
attribute provenance _ChunkSizes int 105, 36
attribute provenance coordinates String time lat lon
attribute provenance ioos_category String Unknown
attribute provenance name String provenance
variable x_ang_rate_avg   float  
attribute x_ang_rate_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_ang_rate_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_ang_rate_avg actual_range float 0.01, 0.01
attribute x_ang_rate_avg comment String Average observed angular rate along the instrument x-axis
attribute x_ang_rate_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_ang_rate_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_ang_rate_avg long_name String Angular Rate X-Axis - Average
attribute x_ang_rate_avg precision int 4
attribute x_ang_rate_avg units String rad s-1
variable internal_timestamp   double  
attribute internal_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute internal_timestamp actual_range double 1.42800832E9, 1.42876429E9
attribute internal_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute internal_timestamp comment String Internal timestamp, UTC
attribute internal_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute internal_timestamp long_name String Internal Timestamp, UTC
attribute internal_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute internal_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable z_ang_rate_max   float  
attribute z_ang_rate_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_ang_rate_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_ang_rate_max actual_range float 0.05, 0.33
attribute z_ang_rate_max comment String Maximum Z angular rate
attribute z_ang_rate_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_ang_rate_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_ang_rate_max long_name String Angular Rate Z-Axis - Maximum
attribute z_ang_rate_max precision int 4
attribute z_ang_rate_max units String rad s-1
variable wind_v_avg   float  
attribute wind_v_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_v_avg actual_range float -16.38, 0.96
attribute wind_v_avg comment String Average wind speed component along instrument y-axis
attribute wind_v_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_v_avg long_name String Wind Speed Y-Axis - Average
attribute wind_v_avg precision int 4
attribute wind_v_avg units String m s-1
variable x_accel_min   float  
attribute x_accel_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_accel_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_accel_min actual_range float -11.35, -2.28
attribute x_accel_min comment String Minimum X Acceleration
attribute x_accel_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_accel_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_accel_min long_name String Acceleration X-Axis - Minimum
attribute x_accel_min precision int 4
attribute x_accel_min units String m s-2
variable time_datacollection   float  
attribute time_datacollection _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute time_datacollection _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute time_datacollection comment String Start time of data collection, Average time of collected data can be found by adding 600 seconds to the start time.
attribute time_datacollection coordinates String time lat lon
attribute time_datacollection ioos_category String Unknown
attribute time_datacollection long_name String Data Collection Start Time
attribute time_datacollection precision int 4
attribute time_datacollection units String sec
variable roll_std   float  
attribute roll_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute roll_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute roll_std actual_range float 0.03, 0.14
attribute roll_std comment String Standard deviation of Roll
attribute roll_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute roll_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute roll_std long_name String Roll - Standard Deviation
attribute roll_std precision int 4
attribute roll_std units String rad
variable ingestion_timestamp   double  
attribute ingestion_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute ingestion_timestamp actual_range double 1.6252617E9, 1.6252617E9
attribute ingestion_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute ingestion_timestamp comment String The NTP Timestamp for when the granule was ingested
attribute ingestion_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute ingestion_timestamp long_name String Ingestion Timestamp, UTC
attribute ingestion_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute ingestion_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable z_ang_rate_avg   float  
attribute z_ang_rate_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_ang_rate_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_ang_rate_avg actual_range float 0.0, 0.02
attribute z_ang_rate_avg comment String Average observed angular rate along the instrument z-axis
attribute z_ang_rate_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_ang_rate_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_ang_rate_avg long_name String Angular Rate Z-Axis - Average
attribute z_ang_rate_avg precision int 4
attribute z_ang_rate_avg units String rad s-1
variable x_accel_std   float  
attribute x_accel_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_accel_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_accel_std actual_range float 0.82, 3.53
attribute x_accel_std comment String Standard deviation of X Acceleration
attribute x_accel_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_accel_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_accel_std long_name String Acceleration X-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute x_accel_std precision int 4
attribute x_accel_std units String m s-2
variable x_accel_max   float  
attribute x_accel_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_accel_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_accel_max actual_range float 3.29, 11.87
attribute x_accel_max comment String Maximum X Acceleration
attribute x_accel_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_accel_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_accel_max long_name String Acceleration X-Axis - Maximum
attribute x_accel_max precision int 4
attribute x_accel_max units String m s-2
variable x_ang_rate_max   float  
attribute x_ang_rate_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute x_ang_rate_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute x_ang_rate_max actual_range float 0.18, 0.93
attribute x_ang_rate_max comment String Maximum X angular rate
attribute x_ang_rate_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute x_ang_rate_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute x_ang_rate_max long_name String Angular Rate X-Axis - Maximum
attribute x_ang_rate_max precision int 4
attribute x_ang_rate_max units String rad s-1
variable v_corr   float  
attribute v_corr _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute v_corr _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute v_corr actual_range float -4.85, 11.26
attribute v_corr comment String Motion-corrected Westerly wind speed component
attribute v_corr coordinates String time lat lon
attribute v_corr data_product_identifier String WINDTUR-VLW_L1
attribute v_corr ioos_category String Unknown
attribute v_corr long_name String Wind Velocity - Westerly
attribute v_corr precision int 4
attribute v_corr units String m s-1
variable wind_v_std   float  
attribute wind_v_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_v_std actual_range float 0.49, 167.96
attribute wind_v_std comment String Standard deviation of WindV
attribute wind_v_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_v_std long_name String Wind Speed Y-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute wind_v_std precision int 4
attribute wind_v_std units String m s-1
variable wind_v_avg_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_v_avg_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable z_ang_rate_std   float  
attribute z_ang_rate_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_ang_rate_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_ang_rate_std actual_range float 0.01, 0.09
attribute z_ang_rate_std comment String Standard deviation of Z angular rate
attribute z_ang_rate_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_ang_rate_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_ang_rate_std long_name String Angular Rate Z-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute z_ang_rate_std precision int 4
attribute z_ang_rate_std units String rad s-1
variable vw_momentum_flux   float  
attribute vw_momentum_flux _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute vw_momentum_flux _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute vw_momentum_flux actual_range float -2926.19, 32.63
attribute vw_momentum_flux comment String Cross-wind component of momentum flux
attribute vw_momentum_flux coordinates String time lat lon
attribute vw_momentum_flux data_product_identifier String FLUXMOM-V_L2
attribute vw_momentum_flux ioos_category String Unknown
attribute vw_momentum_flux long_name String Cross-Wind Component of Momentum Flux
attribute vw_momentum_flux precision int 4
attribute vw_momentum_flux units String m2 s-2
variable uw_momentum_flux   float  
attribute uw_momentum_flux _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute uw_momentum_flux _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute uw_momentum_flux actual_range float -199.03, 1175.96
attribute uw_momentum_flux comment String Along-wind component of momentum flux
attribute uw_momentum_flux coordinates String time lat lon
attribute uw_momentum_flux data_product_identifier String FLUXMOM-U_L2
attribute uw_momentum_flux ioos_category String Unknown
attribute uw_momentum_flux long_name String Along-Wind Component of Momentum Flux
attribute uw_momentum_flux precision int 4
attribute uw_momentum_flux units String m2 s-2
variable wind_u_min   float  
attribute wind_u_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_u_min actual_range float -320.02, -1.86
attribute wind_u_min comment String Minimum of WindU
attribute wind_u_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_u_min long_name String Wind Speed X-Axis - Mimimum
attribute wind_u_min precision int 4
attribute wind_u_min units String m s-1
variable z_accel_max   float  
attribute z_accel_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_accel_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_accel_max actual_range float 10.84, 15.28
attribute z_accel_max comment String Maximum Z Acceleration
attribute z_accel_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_accel_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_accel_max long_name String Acceleration Z-Axis - Maximum
attribute z_accel_max precision int 4
attribute z_accel_max units String m s-2
variable u_corr   float  
attribute u_corr _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute u_corr _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute u_corr actual_range float -25.42, 12.71
attribute u_corr comment String Motion-corrected Northerly wind speed component
attribute u_corr coordinates String time lat lon
attribute u_corr data_product_identifier String WINDTUR-VLN_L1
attribute u_corr ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_corr long_name String Wind Velocity - Northerly
attribute u_corr precision int 4
attribute u_corr units String m s-1
variable z_accel   float  
attribute z_accel _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_accel _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_accel actual_range float 9.13, 9.75
attribute z_accel comment String Average observed acceleration along the instrument z axis
attribute z_accel coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_accel ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_accel long_name String Acceleration Z-Axis - Average
attribute z_accel precision int 4
attribute z_accel units String m s-2
variable id   String  
attribute id _ChunkSizes int 105, 36
attribute id ioos_category String Unknown
attribute id name String id
variable y_accel_max   float  
attribute y_accel_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_accel_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_accel_max actual_range float 2.46, 10.74
attribute y_accel_max comment String Maximum Y Acceleration
attribute y_accel_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_accel_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_accel_max long_name String Acceleration Y-Axis - Maximum
attribute y_accel_max precision int 4
attribute y_accel_max units String m s-2
variable v_num_datacollection   float  
attribute v_num_datacollection _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute v_num_datacollection _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute v_num_datacollection actual_range float 1.4, 1.4
attribute v_num_datacollection comment String Version number of FDCHP
attribute v_num_datacollection coordinates String time lat lon
attribute v_num_datacollection ioos_category String Unknown
attribute v_num_datacollection long_name String Version Number of FDCHP
attribute v_num_datacollection units String 1
variable z_accel_min   float  
attribute z_accel_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute z_accel_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute z_accel_min actual_range float 4.14, 8.66
attribute z_accel_min comment String Minimum Z Acceleration
attribute z_accel_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute z_accel_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute z_accel_min long_name String Acceleration Z-Axis - Minimum
attribute z_accel_min precision int 4
attribute z_accel_min units String m s-2
variable speed_of_sound_avg   float  
attribute speed_of_sound_avg _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_avg _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute speed_of_sound_avg actual_range float 280.6, 290.51
attribute speed_of_sound_avg comment String Speed of Sound
attribute speed_of_sound_avg coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_avg ioos_category String Unknown
attribute speed_of_sound_avg long_name String Speed of Sound
attribute speed_of_sound_avg precision int 4
attribute speed_of_sound_avg units String m s-1
variable wind_w_min_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_min_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable speed_of_sound_max_qc_results   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results actual_range int 0, 0
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_max_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable roll   float  
attribute roll _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute roll _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute roll actual_range float 0.01, 0.03
attribute roll comment String The rotated angle about the roll-axis relative to the horizontal plane. Rotation follows the right hand rule designation; i.e. with the r.h. thumb pointing in the rotation axis direction, positive rotation is in the direction of the curled fingers.
attribute roll coordinates String time lat lon
attribute roll ioos_category String Unknown
attribute roll long_name String Instrument Roll
attribute roll precision int 1
attribute roll standard_name String platform_roll_angle
attribute roll units String degrees
variable y_accel   float  
attribute y_accel _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_accel _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_accel actual_range float -0.09, 0.05
attribute y_accel comment String Average observed acceleration along the instrument y axis
attribute y_accel coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_accel ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_accel long_name String Acceleration Y-Axis - Average
attribute y_accel precision int 4
attribute y_accel units String m s-2
variable wind_w_max   float  
attribute wind_w_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_w_max actual_range float 0.74, 327.67
attribute wind_w_max comment String Maximum of WindW
attribute wind_w_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_w_max long_name String Wind Speed Z-Axis - Maximum
attribute wind_w_max precision int 4
attribute wind_w_max units String m s-1
variable speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed   int  
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute speed_of_sound_min_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable w_corr   float  
attribute w_corr _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute w_corr _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute w_corr actual_range float -42.16, 1.42
attribute w_corr comment String Motion-corrected vertical wind speed component
attribute w_corr coordinates String time lat lon
attribute w_corr data_product_identifier String WINDTUR-VLU_L1
attribute w_corr ioos_category String Unknown
attribute w_corr long_name String Wind Velocity - Vertical
attribute w_corr precision int 4
attribute w_corr units String m s-1
variable wind_u_avg_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_avg_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable y_accel_std   float  
attribute y_accel_std _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_accel_std _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_accel_std actual_range float 0.72, 3.3
attribute y_accel_std comment String Standard deviation of Y Acceleration
attribute y_accel_std coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_accel_std ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_accel_std long_name String Acceleration Y-Axis - Standard Deviation
attribute y_accel_std precision int 4
attribute y_accel_std units String m s-2
variable wind_u_min_qc_results   int  
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results actual_range int 0, 1
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_u_min_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable y_accel_min   float  
attribute y_accel_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute y_accel_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute y_accel_min actual_range float -11.59, -2.54
attribute y_accel_min comment String Minimum Y Acceleration
attribute y_accel_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute y_accel_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute y_accel_min long_name String Acceleration Y-Axis - Minimum
attribute y_accel_min precision int 4
attribute y_accel_min units String m s-2
variable roll_max   float  
attribute roll_max _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute roll_max _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute roll_max actual_range float 0.11, 0.57
attribute roll_max comment String Maximum Roll
attribute roll_max coordinates String time lat lon
attribute roll_max ioos_category String Unknown
attribute roll_max long_name String Roll - Maximum
attribute roll_max precision int 4
attribute roll_max units String rad
variable u_corr_qc_executed   int  
attribute u_corr_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute u_corr_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute u_corr_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute u_corr_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute u_corr_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute u_corr_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable time   double  
attribute time _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.4280096E9, 1.42876557E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable wind_w_min   float  
attribute wind_w_min _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_w_min _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute wind_w_min actual_range float -326.35, -0.17
attribute wind_w_min comment String Minimum of WindW
attribute wind_w_min coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_w_min ioos_category String Unknown
attribute wind_w_min long_name String Wind Speed Z-Axis - Mimimum
attribute wind_w_min precision int 4
attribute wind_w_min units String m s-1
variable wind_speed_qc_executed   int  
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed _ChunkSizes int 105
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed _FillValue int -1
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed _Unsigned String true
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed actual_range int 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed coordinates String time lat lon
attribute wind_speed_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

ERDDAP, Version 2.02_axiom-r1
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