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ERDDAP > info > CE01ISSM-MFD37-03-CTDBPC000-ctdbp_cdef_dcl_instrument-telemetered-deployment0015

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     data   graph     Data produced by Stream Engine version 1.20.1 for CE01ISSM-MFD37-03-CTDBPC000-telemetered-
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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL AssetManagementRecordLastModified String 2022-09-02T13:10:20.226000
attribute NC_GLOBAL AssetUniqueID String CGINS-CTDBPC-50009
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Other
attribute NC_GLOBAL collection_method String telemetered
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, NCCSV-1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2022-09-12T21:21:27.978Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2022-09-12T21:21:27.978Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String practical_salinity,pressure_qartod_results,practical_salinity_qartod_executed,practical_salinity_qartod_results,temp_qartod_executed,conductivity,pressure_qartod_executed,conductivity_qartod_executed,density,conductivity_qartod_results,date_time_string,pressure,temp_qartod_results,temp,depth,time&time>=max(time)-1days
attribute NC_GLOBAL Description String CTD Pumped: CTDBP Series C
attribute NC_GLOBAL feature_Type String point
attribute NC_GLOBAL FirmwareVersion String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 26.83748
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 21.05133
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution double 0.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2022-09-12T21:21:27.977827 generated from Stream Engine
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String CE01ISSM-MFD37-03-CTDBPC000-telemetered-ctdbp_cdef_dcl_instrument
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL lat double 44.65708
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL lon double -124.09447
attribute NC_GLOBAL Manufacturer String Sea-Bird Electronics
attribute NC_GLOBAL Metadata_Conventions String Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Mobile String False
attribute NC_GLOBAL ModelNumber String SBE 16plus V2
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String org.oceanobservatories
attribute NC_GLOBAL nodc_template_version String NODC_NetCDF_TimeSeries_Orthogonal_Template_v1.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL node String MFD37
attribute NC_GLOBAL Notes String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Owner String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String L2
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String More information can be found at http://oceanobservatories.org/
attribute NC_GLOBAL RemoteResources String []
attribute NC_GLOBAL requestUUID String 3e9c5cba-1031-448e-8840-4badb861802b
attribute NC_GLOBAL sensor String 03-CTDBPC000
attribute NC_GLOBAL SerialNumber String 16-50009
attribute NC_GLOBAL ShelfLifeExpirationDate String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL SoftwareVersion String Not specified.
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String CE01ISSM-MFD37-03-CTDBPC000-telemetered-ctdbp_cdef_dcl_instrument
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String http://oceanobservatories.org/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 29
attribute NC_GLOBAL stream String ctdbp_cdef_dcl_instrument
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsite String CE01ISSM
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Dataset Generated by Stream Engine from Ocean Observatories Initiative
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2022-03-30T20:28:50Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String P7218.56S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2021-09-17T14:30:20Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Data produced by Stream Engine version 1.20.1 for CE01ISSM-MFD37-03-CTDBPC000-telemetered-ctdbp_cdef_dcl_instrument
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String 3e9c5cba-1031-448e-8840-4badb861802b
variable obs   int  
attribute obs _ChunkSizes int 1024
attribute obs actual_range int 0, 2324
attribute obs ioos_category String Unknown
variable practical_salinity   float  
attribute practical_salinity ioos_category String Unknown
variable pressure_qartod_results   int  
attribute pressure_qartod_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable dcl_controller_timestamp   String  
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325, 5
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp comment String Timestamp from the DCL controller
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp ioos_category String Unknown
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp long_name String DCL Controller Timestamp
attribute dcl_controller_timestamp precision int 0
variable practical_salinity_qartod_executed   String  
attribute practical_salinity_qartod_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable practical_salinity_qartod_results   int  
attribute practical_salinity_qartod_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable temp_qartod_executed   String  
attribute temp_qartod_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable density_qc_executed   int  
attribute density_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable driver_timestamp   double  
attribute driver_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute driver_timestamp actual_range double 1.63251008E9, 1.64867418E9
attribute driver_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute driver_timestamp comment String Driver timestamp, UTC
attribute driver_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute driver_timestamp long_name String Driver Timestamp, UTC
attribute driver_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute driver_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable id   String  
attribute id _ChunkSizes int 2325, 36
attribute id ioos_category String Unknown
attribute id name String id
variable conductivity   float  
attribute conductivity ioos_category String Unknown
variable pressure_qartod_executed   String  
attribute pressure_qartod_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable practical_salinity_qc_results   int  
attribute practical_salinity_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable conductivity_qartod_executed   String  
attribute conductivity_qartod_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable density   float  
attribute density ioos_category String Unknown
variable provenance   String  
attribute provenance _ChunkSizes int 2325, 36
attribute provenance coordinates String time lat lon depth
attribute provenance ioos_category String Unknown
attribute provenance name String provenance
variable conductivity_qc_results   int  
attribute conductivity_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable conductivity_qartod_results   int  
attribute conductivity_qartod_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable ingestion_timestamp   double  
attribute ingestion_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute ingestion_timestamp actual_range double 1.63251008E9, 1.64867418E9
attribute ingestion_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute ingestion_timestamp comment String The NTP Timestamp for when the granule was ingested
attribute ingestion_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute ingestion_timestamp long_name String Ingestion Timestamp, UTC
attribute ingestion_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute ingestion_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable internal_timestamp   double  
attribute internal_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute internal_timestamp actual_range double 1.63188902E9, 1.64867213E9
attribute internal_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute internal_timestamp comment String Internal timestamp, UTC
attribute internal_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute internal_timestamp long_name String Internal Timestamp, UTC
attribute internal_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute internal_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable date_time_string   String  
attribute date_time_string _ChunkSizes int 2325, 5
attribute date_time_string comment String A date and time string produced for each sample record.
attribute date_time_string coordinates String time lat lon depth
attribute date_time_string ioos_category String Unknown
attribute date_time_string long_name String Date and Time String
attribute date_time_string precision int 0
variable port_timestamp   double  
attribute port_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute port_timestamp actual_range double 1.63188902E9, 1.64867213E9
attribute port_timestamp calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute port_timestamp comment String Port timestamp, UTC
attribute port_timestamp ioos_category String Time
attribute port_timestamp long_name String Port Timestamp, UTC
attribute port_timestamp time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute port_timestamp units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable pressure   float  
attribute pressure ioos_category String Unknown
variable deployment   int  
attribute deployment _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute deployment actual_range int 15, 15
attribute deployment ioos_category String Unknown
attribute deployment name String deployment
variable pressure_qc_results   int  
attribute pressure_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable pressure_qc_executed   int  
attribute pressure_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable preferred_timestamp   String  
attribute preferred_timestamp _ChunkSizes int 2325, 14
attribute preferred_timestamp comment String Timestamp preferred as official record.
attribute preferred_timestamp ioos_category String Unknown
attribute preferred_timestamp long_name String Preferred Timestamp
variable temp_qc_executed   int  
attribute temp_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable temp_qartod_results   int  
attribute temp_qartod_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable temp   float  
attribute temp ioos_category String Unknown
variable conductivity_qc_executed   int  
attribute conductivity_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable practical_salinity_qc_executed   int  
attribute practical_salinity_qc_executed ioos_category String Unknown
variable temp_qc_results   int  
attribute temp_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue float -9999999.0
attribute depth actual_range float 21.05133, 26.83748
attribute depth ancillary_variables String sea_water_pressure
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth comment String Depth (m) calculated from pressure (dbar) and latitude.
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth calculated from pressure
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth precision int 3
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable density_qc_results   int  
attribute density_qc_results ioos_category String Unknown
variable time   double  
attribute time _ChunkSizes int 2325
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.63188902E9, 1.64867213E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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